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Global Leader In Laser Solutions

BWT, founded in 2003, is committed to the mission of "Let the dream drive the light", the vision of becoming the "Global leader in laser solutions, and the value of "Outstanding innovation", providing Diode laser, Fiber laser, Ultra-fast laser products and solutions to global customers.

Since its establishment, BWT has been committed to continuous innovation, insisting on autonomous and controllable advanced processes and technologies. With the Beijing headquarters as the core, BWT has successively established production and R&D centers in Jiangsu and Shenzhen, and invested in the construction of an intelligent and digital production base in Tianjin. In order to build world-class technical strength and product quality, BWT established a German subsidiary in 2020, taking a solid step towards the internationalization of R&D, production, and technological innovation.

BWT has gradually developed into one of the leading enterprises globally in the field of laser solutions, with products distributed to more than 60 countries worldwide. The application scope covers fields such as industrial applications, medical treatment, scientific research, and IT. This has brought unprecedented changes to the improvement of industrial development and customer values.

  • Company Mission

    Let the dream drive the light

  • Company Vision

    Global leader in laser solutions

  • Company Value

    Outstanding innovation

Serve all over the world

BWT is steadily emerging as a global leader in laser solutions, with products reaching over 60 countries worldwide.

Our success in developing our proprietary laser technology and becoming the global leader in laser solutions is a testament to the tireless efforts of BWT employees, coupled with the unwavering trust and support of our valued clients.

According to Chen Xiaohua, the company's founder: "I believe that employees play a crucial role in the company's sustained innovation. Being a part of BWT means dedicating ourselves to the pursuit of development and the prosperity of human society."

BWT is boldly moving forward to become a catalyst for advancements in laser technologies and a frontrunner in shaping a promising future.

We firmly believe that innovation is fueled by the determination to stay ahead, and every breakthrough represents our steadfast commitment to realizing our dreams. With this purpose in mind, all BWT employees are resolute in facing any challenges with an ever-evolving spirit, making bold explorations, and turning imagination into reality.

Let the dream drive the light

Outstanding Innovation

Driven by the core value of "Outstanding Innovation",
BWT views it as both a guiding light and an inherent element within BWT's DNA.
  • 2023

    The Thunder Series Fiber Laser makes a striking debut.

    The 2000W Blue Laser hits the market.

  • 2022

    Completed hundreds of millions of yuan in financing

    Launched the Lightning Series Fiber Lasers

  • 2021

    BWT ushered in a brand upgrade

    Tianjin Automated Production Base was put into operation

  • 2020

    BWT established a German subsidiary;
    BWT was approved as a post-doctoral research station

  • 2018

    BWT launches New BeamTM series of high-power and high-brightness semiconductor lasers

  • 2017

    BWT established the Fiber and Ultrafast Laser Division in Tianjin

  • 2014

    Won the "Annual Innovative Product" and "Annual Laboratory Recommended Brand" in the 2013 China Optics Excellent Product Selection

  • 2011

    BWT launches 9xxnm 105μm 70W series diode pumped lasers

  • 2008

    BWT establishes a COS packaging production line; provides lasers for the Olympic laser display project

  • 2005

    Provided medical lasers in batches to American medical customers

  • 2004

    The first generation of 830nm laser products entered the printing market

  • 2003

    BWT was established in Fengtai Park, Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, and established more than one hundred square-meter ultra-clean workshop

  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2014
  • 2011
  • 2008
  • 2005
  • 2004
  • 2003
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