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JIATAI LASER Collaborates with BWT and BOCHU for a Joint Release: The World's First Thunder 100kw Ultra-High-Power Cutting Equipment

Source: Release time::2024-02-02 Pageviews:

On February 1st, JIATAI LASER, together with BWT and BOCHU, unveiled the world's first Thunder 100kW ultra-high-power cutting equipment in Suqian, Jiangsu. The event was witnessed by distinguished guests including leaders of Sucheng District, Suqian City, Chen Chao, Secretary-General of the Laser Processing Committee of the Chinese Optical Society, Wang Pu, Professor at Beijing University of Technology, Zheng Changhe, General Manager of JIATAI LASER, Zhao Juyun, Rotating General Manager of Fiber BU of BWT, along with many industry elites and media personnel.


Panoramic view of the event


For years, BWT has committed to independent research and innovation, focusing on solving the industry's challenges in cutting thick plates and promoting a traditional processing alternative. The release of the Thunder 100kW ultra-high-power cutting equipment by JIATAI LASER in partnership with BWT and BOCHU is a paradigm of industry collaboration and mutual benefit. By combining each other's strengths, the three parties have provided the industry with an ultimate solution for ultra-high-power laser applications, significantly increasing laser processing speed and efficiency, and enhancing the cutting capability in industrial manufacturing.



The World's First Thunder 100kw Ultra-High-Power Cutting Equipment


JIATAI LASER is a leading enterprise in high-end laser equipment, with a significant domestic market share in high-power devices. At the press conference, Zheng Changhe, the general manager of JIATAI LASER, described the launch as epoch-making, marking a new pinnacle for laser cutting technology. "Named after the Thunder, the Thunder 100kW represents a formidable force injected into the industry, shaking the market like a thunderclap. Its release is a profound challenge to the global laser cutting field. JIATAI LASER will, as always, dedicate itself to technological innovation, providing customers with superior products and services; we will also move forward, driving innovative development in laser technology and ushering in a new era of laser cutting," Zheng stated.



Zheng Changhe, the general manager of JIATAI LASER, giving his speech


Chen Xiaohua, Chairman of BWT, commented in a video message that the joint release of the Thunder 100kW new product is not only the fruit of technical cooperation among three outstanding enterprises but also a significant breakthrough in the field of laser cutting. We understand that only through technological breakthroughs and innovation can we meet the industry's need for high-quality development and truly lead the laser industry to break away from involution and ascend. The launch of our flagship product—the Thunder Series Fiber Laser—is a vivid embodiment of this philosophy."


Last September, BWT officially launched the Thunder series products based on CTC integrated technology, covering powers from 12kW to 100kW, characterized by 'three highs and one long'—high integration, high power, high brightness, and long fiber delivery cable. This product, crafted by BWT for the industry, propels the company into the realm of ultra-high-power laser cutting. The Thunder series products are capable of handling more complex and diverse cutting application scenarios, providing superior solutions for ultra-thick plate cutting in high-end manufacturing areas such as construction machinery, steel structures, shipbuilding, energy and power, and rail transit.



BWT Thunder 100kw Fiber Laser


He added that the new Thunder series products showcase BWT's deep innovation potential, having been well-received by the market upon launch. The 20-40kW range has become the mainstay of shipments, with 60kW reaching mass delivery, and 80kW initiating customized orders. Now, with the strong support of JIATAI LASER and BOCHU Electronic, the Thunder 100kW fiber laser has also reached its highlight moment.

Chen Xiaohua, Chairman of BWT, giving his speech


BOCHU Electronic is a leader in domestic laser control systems and industrial software, as well as a new force in intelligent laser cutting heads. Xie Miao, BOCHU Electronic's Laser Business General Manager, expressed in a video address that the collaboration presented a new development opportunity for BOCHU Electronic. The Thunder 100kW product is expected to reshape the landscape of the laser processing industry, bringing a faster, more efficient, and higher-quality laser cutting experience to the market, injecting new technological vitality into the entire industry.



Xie Miao, BOCHU Electronic's Laser Business General Manager, giving his speech


Wang Pu, Professor of Beijing University of Technology, believes that when laser processing reaches the 100kW level, it indicates a broad prospect for the thick plate cutting market, especially in certain ultra-thick plate domains, where there is significant space for exploration. This requires laser enterprises to lead future industry development through cutting-edge technological breakthroughs and strengthen original and disruptive technological innovation. The joint release of the Thunder 100kW, from core materials, core technology to core components, showcases the outstanding technological innovation capabilities of domestic leading enterprises, achieving autonomy and control. The advent of this powerhouse in the laser cutting field heralds the arrival of a new era in ultra-high-power thick plate cutting.



Wang Pu, Professor of Beijing University of Technology, giving his speech


Chen Chao, Secretary-General of the Laser Processing Committee of the Chinese Optical Society, congratulated the success of the event. He expressed his pleasure in seeing JIATAI LASER and BWT, two leading enterprises residing in the Suqian Laser Industrial Park, joining hands and moving forward together with BOCHU Electronic in this fertile ground.


As traditional manufacturing transitions and upgrades, and laser technology and applications continue to expand, the "light" manufacturing industry is facing new changes, opportunities, and challenges. In the journey towards a decade of development, there should be further transformation towards specialization, precision, uniqueness, and innovation. There should also be a continuous strengthening of key core technologies in the laser field, the exploration of more laser application scenarios, and the empowerment of traditional industries through "light" intelligent manufacturing, thereby improving new industries, new business models, new technologies, and new patterns. Moreover, the Laser Processing Committee will also deeply build a "production, learning, research, and application" platform, continuing to strive unremittingly for the high-quality development of China's laser processing industry.



Chen Chao, Secretary-General of the Laser Processing Committee of COS, delivering a speech


Qin Yonghui, a leader of Sucheng District, expressed that this press conference is of extraordinary significance, comprehensively demonstrating the outstanding technological and product innovation capabilities of the three companies. It will undoubtedly propel the entire laser industry towards a new chapter of high power, high integration, and intelligence. It is expected that JIATAI LASER, BWT, and BOCHU Electronic set this as a new starting point, continuing to focus on their core business, deeply cultivating the industry, and effectively establishing the benchmark for the development of manufacturing in Sucheng. The Sucheng district will continue to play the role of a facilitator, providing refined, efficient, and comprehensive services to escort the investment and development of enterprises.



Qin Yonghui, a leader of Sucheng District, delivering a speech


At the collaborative ribbon-cutting ceremony, leaders and guests, including Qin Yonghui, a leader of Sucheng District, Professor Wang Pu from Beijing University of Technology, Zheng Changhe, General Manager of JIATAI LASER, Chen Dajian, Vice General Manager of R&D at JIATAI LASER, Tang Sunhuai, Vice General Manager of Material Control at JIATAI LASER, and Zhao Juyun, Rotating General Manager of Fiber BU of BWT, jointly took the stage, officially announcing the release of the Thunder 100kW ultra-high-power cutting equipment.



Cooperation Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony


That afternoon, the attending leaders and guests also visited the JIATAI LASER and BWT (Suqian) branch. Both companies have witnessed the great change of Suqian's laser equipment industry developing from 0 to 1, from weak to strong, gradually becoming a nationally influential emerging industry.


The joint release of the world's first Thunder 100kW ultra-high-power cutting equipment by JIATAI LASER, BWT, and BOCHU Electronic is one of the important signs of China's rapid progress in laser technology. It is also a stage achievement of laser technology driving the birth of new productive forces in the manufacturing industry. Industry insiders believe that, facing the overall transformation trend of China's industrial manufacturing, the emergence of products with power up to 100kW is like a "timely rain," effectively shattering doubts about the necessity for ultra-high-power laser devices. In the field of thick plates, the Thunder 100kW product not only realizes a doubling of efficiency over the previous generation but also enhances the processing advantage in the domain of ultra-thick plates, breaking through the barriers in ultra-thick plate processing and enabling a real "qualitative change" in cutting capabilities. It is especially true in completely replacing plasma/flame products in the ultra-thick plate domain.



Visiting the JIATAI LASER Suqian Factory


Facing the ever-expanding demand for high-end laser cutting equipment in the future, it is challenging for any enterprise to navigate the market alone. Promoting independent innovation and deep collaboration within the industrial chain is an essential path. JIATAI LASER states that BWT is continuously catching up with global advanced levels, possessing deep technical expertise and significant development potential. Envisioning future collaboration, BWT, along with JIATAI LASER and BOCHU Electronic, aims to advance a leap in laser cutting technology, jointly opening a new chapter in the era of intelligent industrial manufacturing.


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